Saturday, September 11, 2010


baruch houses-Model
Baruch complex with entrances to each building
scan 01aip
a sketch for scaling down the towers or “breaking” the initial volume into smaller spaces which could distribute among them.
diagram of possible paths that people follow. The flow of movement can lead to networks among the buildings which can provide opportunity for reutilized areas.
Sometimes walking through the projects might be confusing since some people want their community to be gated for security reasons, preventing the others to trespass. Since there is not a clear separation of the public and private area some people might feel uncomfortable having others to walk through their “territory”. If every housing complex was gated, then large areas would have worked as barriers to the others.
Basic RGB
So, based at these flows, new forms could emerge.
 scan 03b

looking at the topography in the past: where the shore line was and where were the streams.
Public_Bath-lg The_Aquazanies_perform at Astoria Pool_Queens-lg
Public Baths or public swimming pools used to be vital for the city in the past in terms of hygiene. At Baruch houses in specific there was one working until 1970.
baruch houses_streams
So the location of the streams in relation to the idea of public pools can provide new utilities for recreation or a new environmental zone.
scan 11a
concerning the development rights: the height of the buildings could actually increase giving more surface to people.
scan 03ai
structures based on (maybe) the old grid?  incorporating a smaller scale and locality?
scan 02aiold grid with towes
 the facade which reveals the patterns of the whole project
patterns building

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